World Vasectomy Day Arrives November 7th
On November 7, Doctors around the world will be coordinating their efforts in a bid to support Family Planning. World Vasectomy Day is a concept initiated by Dr. Doug Stein, a urologist in Florida and by film maker Jonathan Stack, two years ago. For the second consecutive year, I will be participating in this event.
Vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure to accomplish the effect of removing sperm from a man’s ejaculate and therefore enabling a permanent method of birth control. It can be performed on an outpatient basis, in the office under local anesthesia or, in a different setting, with the patient being sedated or asleep.
Vasectomy day 2013 accomplished its goal of performing 1000 vasectomies in 25 countries. Vasectomy day 2014’s goals are expanded to include 250 doctors performing vasectomy on 1500 patients in 30 countries. The goal of this event is to inspire men to engage in the conversation about family planning, in making the right choice for their children, their partners and for all our collective future. Men who participate in or support the event are invited to share their stories at the world vasectomy day website www.worldvasectomyday.org. You can also schedule a vasectomy on vasectomy day through the website. Interested patients in New Jersey, who are interested in my performing their procedure may call my office directly.
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