Want to watch the NCAA Guilt Free? Get a Vasectomy. March Madness is Here!
The time of the annual NCAA college basketball tournament, is upon us. Men around the nation are intent on watching the games. But, there are other obligations: work, family, in some cases, shoveling snow. One way to justify being able to kick back and focus on the games: get a vasectomy.
March madness has traditionally been a time of increased number of vasectomies across the country.
Some offices report as much as a fifty percent increase in male sterilization work at the time of the NCAA. It turns out that some men use a little shrewd arranging to turn an office procedure into a conveniently timed period of rest and TV watching that corresponds with March Madness.
Vasectomy has been for the better part of the last several decades, the most effective form of male birth control.
However, some men hear the word “vas” and before the sound “ectomy” is uttered, they find themselves moving in the opposite direction. Over the past number of years, several urologists have attempted to capitalize on the attraction of the NCAA tournament to attract patients into their doors and onto their exam tables.
Some offices go so far as to engage in somewhat questionable activities of offering T shirts, food, sports paraphernalia, Pizza. Some offer continuous cable access and at least one practice has coined the term “vas madness”
The fact is, vasectomy is a readily performed, typically office based, procedure requiring only fifteen to thirty minutes to accomplish. Sometimes it just takes that little incentive to get men into the door.
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