Is sexual satisfaction better, worse or the same after Vasectomy? Recent studies state it’s better.
Vasectomy is a readily accomplished method of male contraceptive. It is often performed in an office or outpatient setting and has been ascribed virtues of being an economical form of birth control, a low risk form of birth control and even a more “green” form of birth control. However, one topic that remains relatively unexplored is the sexual satisfaction of couples after the male partner has undergone vasectomy.
An article published in the June 2017 Central European Journal of Urology by Vallo et al reports on the sexual satisfaction of couples after vasectomy. A population of 294 couples were surveyed with 90 responses. Men responded to a questionnaire known as the IIEF or International Index for Erectile Function while their partners used a question known as the FSFI (Femal Sexual Function Index) Result showed that the male partners had significantely better results compared to historical controlds in domains of erectile function, orgasm, sexual desire and intercourse satisfaction. However for the female partners, there was only significant improment in the “arousal” domain. The authors concluded that Vasectomy improved overall sexual satisfaction for men, while not significantly changing the sexual satisfaction of their partners.
A prior related article was published in the May 2014 Journal of Sexual medicine by Jungwirth et al. Seventy six couples filled out questionnaires before and after vasectomy In this article, IIEF showed no significant change while the best improvement of sexual function was noticed for female partners with improvement in FSFI domains of arousal, orgasm, lubrication and satisfaction. The Authors concluded that there was a positive impact of vasectomy on the sexual satisfaction of couples.
In my own practice, I have had several patients report on the improvement in their “sex lives” after vasectomy with spontaneity being one of the biggest improvements. Regardless of domain, it is clear that vasectomy does not hurt and likely improves the sexual satisfaction of couples.
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